Farming Simulator (2009) Gold Edition

Release: Farming Simulator (2009) Gold Edition

- Datum: 09.05.2010
Assume the role of a farmer and experience the 18 hours-a-day lifestyle
of running a busy farm in the middle of beautiful, rolling countryside.
You start the game by choosing from a small collection of basic vehicles
and machinery to explore your fairly sparce farmland which measures a
mere 4 km2. As you progress through the game youÆll need to visit the
local agricultural machinery store to trade in your old vehicles and
equipment for newer kit. Here you can choose tractors and combine
harvesters from Fendt and Poettinger agricultural plant and machinery.
The original machines available in Farming Simulator are still available
for use - seven beautifully detailed tractors, four combine harvesters
and over 20 tools such as a plough, seeder, baler and a self loading
wagon. Plus all the new toys to play with! DonÆt forget too that
Farming Simulator is MOD-friendly so if you are still looking for
more vehicles, equipment and modifications you can download these from
the Internet!
Farming Simulator also contains various missions and tutorials to
complete as well as featuring a realistic day-and-night cycle with
changing weather conditions. As a modern farmer you can also activate
computer-controlled vehicles which will help you get your work done.
* Career mode with business section
* Lots of different missions and tutorials
* Large vehicle fleet with authentic Fendt machines
* Plenty of very sophisticated equipment
* 4 different crops: barley, corn, canola and wheat
* Day and night cycle with weather changes
* AI traffic and computer-controlled assistants
* Download additional vehicles and equipment with automatic mod installation
* Gamepad and steering wheel support
* 4 new missions: grub, sow, spray and collect bales
* 7 new machines and equipment: 3 cultivators and 2 sowing machines
from HORSCH. 1 self-propelled sprayer and an automatic bale collector
* New keyboard, mouse and gamepad controls configuration menu
* Improved gamepad, joystick and steering wheel support
- Genre: Simulationen
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.DDL-Links
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