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Release: Mistmare


Isador, the inquisitor monk, is fighting his way across Europe, searching for a murderer the church has deemed the antichrist. But more than just cloudy skies stand in his way and the dense fog that protects the nation has become a Mistmare to be reckoned with. Mistmare is an addictive mix of action, adventure and RPG elements, shrouded in a veil of fog and excitement. Isador, a young monk, has been sent on a journey by the Church to find the leader of the Harvesters, a radical sect that is threatening the Church’s attempts at shielding Europe from the spread of the plague. Use an incredible arsenal of weapons and tools to fight off monsters and enemies as you search for the Harvesters and fight to protect Europe.


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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