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Great Qin Warriors

Release: Great Qin Warriors

Great Qin Warriors

The year was 221 BC. China was at last a unified empire, and the Qin Dynasty was established under the First Emperor Qin Shihuang. With his many astonishing accomplishments such as the 5000km long Great Wall and the miraculous defeat over the Xiongnu barbarians, First Emperor Qin also ordered outrageous acts including Burning of the Books and the killing of scholars who opposed his way of rule. During his reign, he also sent off more than one expedition in search of the Elixir of Immortality, built the highly advanced irrigation system Dujiangyan Weir that worked flawlessly for over 2000 years to date, and constructed a private garden (Afang Palace) that occupied over 10 km2 of land. He even built a tomb for himself- the largest in ancient Chinese history. The tomb at Lishan Hill was surrounded with myths and tales, and massively guarded by the now-known Terra Cotta Warriors. What made all this possible during the 20 short years that Emperor Qin ruled the Dynasty? Folk legends have it that God-sent Great Qin arriors that came from the future, gave Emperor Qin his power and accomplishments. Even now in the 21st century, US satellites continue to report mysterious presence of strong magnetic fields and power surrounding the burial site of Emperor Qin - a condition that local peasants consider as normal because they believe that the tomb is actually the hiding place of these Great Qin Warriors...


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