Kart Racer

Release: Kart Racer

- Datum: 08.11.2009
Get behind the wheel of the fastest Kart Racer ever!
Low down and dangerous… feel the speed as you race in some of the fastest
Karts and most challenging courses from around the world! This is where
the F1 stars of tomorrow are born. This is raw and dangerous. This is Kart
Three kart classes including 60cc, 125cc, and 250cc Super
Turbo Boost, for that extra edge
15 courses from 7 different countries
Indoor and outdoor racing in a range of different environments
16 karts racing together, the racing is close and hard
Single Player Modes include Race, Knockout, Challenge and Stunt Arena
Multiple challenges and play modes for 2 players
Damage system including deformable bodywork
Replay system – watch the action from any angle during the race
Win Trophies and unlock content including: karts, tracks and a Stunt
Arena Mode
- Genre: Rennsport
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.DDL-Links
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