Fort Zombie

Release: Fort Zombie
Fort Zombie is a focused-scope, casual RPG title in which the game world
revolves around a single building – your fort – and the mission specific
chunks of the small town that surrounds it. Instead of a major city or a
vast countryside, player’s focus their efforts on building up a single
structure, finding and training survivors, and venturing out into town
looking for supplies.
Targeted directly at the after-work gamer, with gameplay similar to
Dungeon Master meets Fallout, players take control of a particular
building in town, and begin gathering the supplies and survivors needed
to build it up by day and help defend it by night.
Choose one of three buildings – the school, the prison, and the police
station - as your Fort Zombie, each one with its own strengths and
Real time movement and combat keep the tensions level high while trying
to achieve objectives before your characters run out of ammunition, food,
or luck!
Dozens of zombies, some with special abilities derived from their half-
remembered lives before becoming undead!
Piety, Indiana, a variable 3D town, created using Kerberos’ mix-and-match
tile system, for maximum replayability. PhysX® engine adds to the mayhem!
Dozens of town locations to search (stores, restaurants, gas stations,
ruins, homes) and countless items to find and use in building up The Fort
or building up your group characters (food, fuel, generators, tools, guns,
Collectible: NPC survivor-families give players surprising new abilities,
but you have to find them all first!
- Genre: Action
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.DDL-Links
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