Hotel for Dogs

Release: Hotel for Dogs

- Datum: 25.02.2009
Hotel for Dogs / Dreamworks Interactive
Release Notes:
Hotel for Dogs stars Emma Roberts and Jake T Austin in a
smart, funny comedy adventure that shows how far love and
imagination can take you. When 16 year old Andi (Roberts) and
her younger brother Bruce (Austin) find themselves in a foster
home with a strict "no pets" policy, Andi has to use her quick
wit to help find a new home for their dog, Friday. The kids
stumble upon an abandoned hotel and begin transforming it into
the perfect home for Friday - as well as all the strays in the
city. In no time, the kids have transformed the old hotel into
something truly magical: a home for both the dogs and for
Follow the adventures of Andi and Bruce from the movie
Find items in the hotel to build amazing gadgets for the
Manage your hotel as well as its furry guests
Unlock exciting new levels and minigames
Play alongside the stars of the movies, including the four
legged friends
- Genre: Fun/Gesellschaft
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.DDL-Links
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1 Datei
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MULTi 5 (en-fr-ge-it-sp), subtitles only
RELEASE DATE : 24-02-2009 PROTECTION : DVD dummy sectors
GAME TYPE : Building/Puzzle DISKS : 1 DVD
Additional Notes:
This game can fit on a CD after the DVD dummy sectors were
removed, but we intended to keep the game, as it's original is
published and that is on a DVD media.
The even more funny part is that the readme.txt even refer to
the game as being published on a CD media.
Install Notes:
1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3. Play the game (yes this game does not require install on HD)