Destroy The World

Release: Destroy.The.World-PLAZA
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Destroy The World!The only game in the world that will let you destroy it!Lead your new best friend, Bam-Bam, to total world domination!Destroy buildings, cars, trees! Use the destructive force of nuclear power plants to your advantage! Melt the ice caps! Kill all the baby seals! Raise the ocean levels! Burn down the rain forest & destroy every cultural site in your way! Cause great oil spills and disrupt threatened ecosystems!But wait, there's more!Gather your best friends on the same couch and Destroy The World together!Start Destroying The World Now!We will help replant some of the trees you mowed down!Game-Features:Fully destructible LevelsRealistic Sound EffectsDriving SoundtrackUp to 4-Player Local CoopPolitical incorrectnessSubscribe for infos and updates about upcoming level-packs! It just started!Happy Destroying!
- Genre: Action