Graviteam Tactics Under the Cruel Star

Release: Graviteam.Tactics.Under.the.Cruel.Star-SKIDROW
On the morning of February 20, the 11 CD 6 gds CC received the order to attack Ordivka and Bulakhi farmsteads, but did not accomplish the task, and by evening withdrew to fst.Klyuchevodsk where it was on the defensive until February 20-21. And 83 CD conducted battle for vlg.Borki for two days, positioned on the heights north of the village. But by the evening of February 20 was dislodged from the heights to the north, and entrenched in the forest. The next day, the cavalrymen attacked Borki again, but were able to capture it only by the morning of February 22. The same day, 11 CD reached fst.Podkopay and fst.Homenki again, and attacked in the direction of fst.Ordivka and fst.Bulakhi. Units of the SS LSAH division took defense here.Two operations of 10 turns for each of the parties (fst.Bulakhi, February 23-24, 1943).Area of over 48 farms, windmills and extensive gullies.Historical organizational structure of units at the time of the offensive.
- Genre: Simulation