Warrior Fighter

Release: Warrior.Fighter-PLAZA
The warriors of history fight for immortal glory.Warrior Fighter pits the most skilful warriors of all time against each other in a one on one fighter, combining cinematic presentation with fast-paced moves and play. From the imperial palace of Rome to the streets of the future choose single player mode to conquer all eight of the warriors one at a time, or two player challenger mode to fight warrior against warrior.Mortem - Centurion General of the Northern Roman Army, his strategic command only excelled by his skill on the battlefieldPredator - Advanced automated weaponry system, never sleeps, hunts to kill its preyJolly Roger - Feared on all of the seven seas, the greatest swordsman buccaneer that lived, laughed and raided the high seasRagnarok - Favoured warrior of Thor and Odin, his mighty axe has fallen manyRonin - Masterless Samurai, Katana of two names Inazuma- lightning strike and Ikazuchi- thunderArmageddon - Knight victorious, rampant on the battlefield and in tournament unrivalled, the heart of the lionAnarchy - Fights for mayhem, rules the streets, brings civil disorder that no society can controlApocalypse - Mercenary warrior, fights for many flags and for the honour of skill in combat
- Genre: Action