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Tunnels of Despair

Release: Tunnels.of.Despair-PLAZA

Tunnels of Despair

Tunnels of Despair is an atmospheric game with horror and survival elements, in which you are to explore the tunnels of an abandoned subway system, find a way out and escape the underground. You were sent to check on a long-abandoned underground tunnel, which at first appeared to be a standard task. Unfortunately, during the inspection, the tunnel's old arches gave out and collapsed. By some miracle, you managed to hide in a tiny side room and avoid being crushed to death. The way back is blocked; all your stuff is on the other side of the fall. Hopefully, you'll find a way out behind the one and only door you see...Key Features:The abandoned underground atmosphereSeveral play-through scenariosRandom enemy routesSurvival elements (food, drinks, close combat)

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