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The Last Hope Trump vs Mafia

Release: The.Last.Hope.Trump.vs.Mafia-PLAZA

The Last Hope Trump vs Mafia

The Last Hope: Trump vs Mafia is the sequel to last year’s sleeper hit “The Last Hope” in which you became the President of the World. You are John Trump, the President of all Countries. Shortly after being sworn in, you travel to Europe for a conference, but your airplane is shot-down by mafia members. The Mafia and terrorists from all ex-countries join forces against you. Now you have to fix this mess. You must to fight with mafiosos, terrorists and robots from:
– France, USA , Turkey, Republic of Moldova, Canada, China;
– A wide variety of weapons such as: Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Grenades, Sword, etc;
– Means of Transportation: Trumplane, Trumpomusine, Train;
It will ultimately be your choice to either surrender and allow the Mafia to take over the World or nuke them once and for all!

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