Lost Legends The Weeping Woman Collectors Edition v1.0

Release: Lost.Legends.The.Weeping.Woman.Collectors.Edition.v1.0-TE
From Gunnar Games, creators of the Small Town Terrors series, comes a new mystery from south of the border! As an investigative reporter, you travel around the globe to uncover the truth behind local legends. Next stop: Mexico! Every year, the town of San Cristobal holds a huge festival to soften the heart of the Weeping Woman – a bitter spirit who kidnapped children long ago. For many years, the children of San Cristobal slept peacefully. However, three years ago, a child went missing during the festival for real, with another child vanishing each year since! Now another child has been taken – right before your eyes! Has the Weeping Woman truly returned to take revenge? Find out in this thrilling mystery adventure Lost Legends: The Weeping Woman Collector's Edition!
- Genre: Wimmelbild
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