Stay Dead

Release: Stay_Dead-FASiSO
At its core Stay Dead is a ’round beat’em up’ like Street Fighter with elements taken from rhythm games.
The brand new idea behind Stay Dead is to have a real time interaction inside a cinematographic scene, using the main character as if he would be a videogame character.
Stay Dead is the union of movies and videogames.
Finally, the sound and graphic quality of a movie joins effectively the interaction of a next generation videogame, creating a unique and involving game experience.
In Stay dead, even if the graphic is entirely shot in real life, you can move your character and you can perform more than 150 different techniques distributed in 5 stages.
Use all the classic moves of the fighting games, just watch the result of your stunts with a never seen before spectacularity that just a real life shot with a cinematographic direction can provide.
- Genre: Action
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