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Ufo: Extraterrestrials (DVD)

Release: Ufo: Extraterrestrials (DVD)

Ufo: Extraterrestrials (DVD)

Many years have passed since the first colonists arrived
Esperanza. Through hard work and determination, they
gradually setup base on their adopted planet. Over time,
leaders emerged, a government was formed, commerce
flourished and the pilgrims from Earth eventually made
the planet of the three suns their home.

But recently, a deep space monitor registered a strong
and mysterious reading. Esperanza's scientists scrambled
to investigate the disturbance and made an alarming
discovery - a wormhole had opened close to their planet.
And even more disturbing, something had come through...
was headed directly toward them.

Concerns of an alien invasion abounded. In response, the
United Government of Esperanza decided to send two recon
ships, Lewis and Clark, to ascertain the truth. After
two weeks time, the recon ships arrived the location of
the mysterious reading... and, as feared, discovered an
alien vessel.

But apparently the ship had somehow failed while en
route Esperanza. It had crash landed on to a small
planet in the system. The crews of Lewis and Clark
landed on the surface, explored the crash site and
recovered an alien computer and a chamber full of
hibernated aliens.

Upon returning home, an analysis of the computer and of
the aliens took place at The Esperanza Security Center.
What the military scientists discovered was terrible
news. Earth had been invaded and subjugated by alien
hordes. They had plundered the planet's terrestrial
resources and enslaved the humans.


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