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Dear Esther

Release: Dear Esther

Dear Esther

“A deserted island…a lost man…memories of a fatal
crash…a book written by a dying explorer.”

Two years in the making, the highly anticipated Indie
remake of the cult mod Dear Esther arrives on PC. Dear
Esther immerses you in a stunningly realised world, a
remote and desolate island somewhere in the outer
Hebrides. As you step forwards, a voice begins to read
fragments of a letter: “Dear Esther…” – and so begins a
journey through one of the most original first-person
games of recent years. Abandoning traditional gameplay
for a pure story-driven experience, Dear Esther fuses it’s
beautiful environments with a breathtaking soundtrack to
tell a powerful story of love, loss, guilt and redemption.

Forget the normal rules of play; if nothing seems real
here, it’s because it may just be all a delusion. What is
the significance of the aerial — What happened on the
motorway — is the island real or imagined — who is
Esther and why has she chosen to summon you here?
The answers are out there, on the lost beach, the
windswept cliffs and buried in the darkness of the tunnels
beneath the island… Or then again, they may just not
be, after all…

Dear Esther is supported by Indie Fund.


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