Victoria II A House Divided

Release: Victoria II A House Divided
The first expansion to Victoria 2 focuses on American Civil
War era and enhances the political and economical
aspects of the game.
Carefully guide your nation from the era of absolute
monarchies in the early 19th century, through expansion
and colonization, to finally become a truly great power by
the dawn of the 20th century.
New starting point in 1861, allowing players to
experience the US Civil War from the start
Manufacture reasons to go to war with other
countries, all in the name of the great game of power
Civilize your country with various new reform paths to
ultimately become equal with the western nations
Invest in building infrastructure and factories in other
countries to strengthen their ties to you
Deeper political system with new national focus options
and new types of reforms
A new system of popular movements that can be
appeased or suppressed, but if ignored, will become the
revolutionaries of tomorrow
- Genre: Strategie
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1 Datei 546,40 MB
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