Crazy Chicken Approaching

Release: Crazy Chicken Approaching

- Datum: 06.03.2007
An unknown alien power has taken possession of Crazy ChickenÆs hat and is keeping
it imprisoned in a dark dungeon. But thatÆs not allàby using an army of fully
automated robots they are planning on taking over the airspace and will destroy
anyone who gets in their way. Your mission is to evade the mean opponents in their
flying scrap heaps without being rammed out of the sky. Battle your way through 17
action packed levels, shooting down as many robots as possible trying to reach the
inevitable checkpoints and save the world from destructionàa sacred mission that
requires a true expert!
Warning: Totally Addictive!
ò 17 action packed levels
ò Hundreds of bonus points to collect
ò Tons of weapons
ò Cool 3D graphics
- Genre: Fun/Gesellschaft
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