The Clockwork Man The Hidden World

Release: The Clockwork Man The Hidden World
Join Miranda and her robot, Sprocket in 2 Seek and Find
Aventure games! Explore a mystery in New Coventry in
The Clockwork Man! Then, travel throughout the British
Isles and Norway to locate the Hidden World where all
technology began in The Clockwork Man 2! Voyage
through a Victorian Universe where advanced technology
powered by steam exists. Utilize unique Scroll & Zoom
Gameplay and find hundreds of hand-painted objects!
This value pack offers incredible artwork and rich scenes,
along with hidden object challenges, unique puzzles, and
- Genre: Fun/Gesellschaft
HinweiseLink 1 = DDL Option 1 (Uploaded)
Link 2 = DDL Option 2 (Netload)
Link 3 = DDL Option 3 (Wupload)
Tip: Alle Parts die sich auf den 3 Hostern befinden sind untereinander austauschbar und Kompatibel.
Link 2 = DDL Option 2 (Netload)
Link 3 = DDL Option 3 (Wupload)
Tip: Alle Parts die sich auf den 3 Hostern befinden sind untereinander austauschbar und Kompatibel.