Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of Spooky Manor *Rip*

Release: Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of Spooky Manor *Rip*

- Datum: 21.03.2008
Before he disappeared Mortimers Uncle Jerome sent his nephew
a letter describing an odd device. Now Mortimer must travel to
Uncle Jeromes eerie home to find the pieces to the strange
object. As he scours the creepy house for clues Mortimer
discovers an mysterious foe lurking in the shadows. Can
Mortimer find out what happened to Uncle Jerome rebuild the
machine and avoid an elusive enemy?
Seek-and-find enthusiasts will love the mind-bending puzzles
of this spine-tingling adventure. Wander the halls and look
carefully through 30 rooms to locate tons of cleverly placed
items. Only the sharpest eyes and the most determined
detectives can uncover each hard-to-find object. Youll also
have to hunt down broken items and return them to their
rightful places. As the investigation continues youll get
closer to learning the identity of the mysterious foe. Sleuth
and search until you find your dear uncle and build his
baffling machine.
- Genre: Fun/Gesellschaft
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