Battle of Britain 2 - Wings of Victory

Release: Battle of Britain 2 - Wings of Victory

- Datum: 03.09.2005
Battle of Britain 2 “Wings of Victory” recreates the fierce and famous air battles southern England in 1940. The game delivers explosive fun for veteran and casual gamers alike, and occurs over a vast and living world below which will be forever known as one the world’s most decisive moments in history.
Battle of Britain 2 “Wings of Victory” allows the player to either act as the supreme commander of either side, or simply click “fly” and let your generals manage the war below.
As commander, you can control the war down to a single aircraft or building in a world where thousands upon thousands battle for supremacy. Thousands of targets including every plane, factory, airfield, and radar station have a specific role and impact on the progress of the war below.
As the enormous campaign plays out below, you will observe both allied and enemy flights carrying out their daily missions. You can take your commanders hat off and jump in the cockpit of the British Hurricane, Spitfire, German Messerschmitt, Stuka dive bomber, or man the gunstations of the Dornier Do17, Heinkel He111, and Ju-88 level bombers. As a pilot, all you need to do is destroy the enemy when you can and get you and your comrades home alive.
Whatever you choose, you will be amidst the relentless and endless waves of German aircraft, taking part in the most authentic historical re-creations of these amazing battles. Get ready to strap yourself in for the fight of your life.
- Genre: Simulationen
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