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Hammer And Sickle

Release: Hammer And Sickle

Hammer And Sickle

Hammer & Sickle is the story of a secret agent of the Soviet military intelligence, who is operating alone on enemy territory trying to unveil a fine web of intrigues by various special services and agencies. In April, 1949 a group of Polish underground Resistance members who were fighting with the Nazis until the end of the war, turns up at the German border. They were believed to be dead for quite a while, and their emergence and attempts to make contact worry the Soviets. An experienced field agent who worked with the group during the war, is sent over to the British-American occupation zone. At the beginning the operation seems to be just a walk in the park; however, the hero soon realises that something is wrong…


* Thrilling non-linear story: not just the outcome but the whole course of the game depends on the player's choices, including availability of new maps and characters

* Detailed characters: their biographies and personalities might affect the game events and the atmosphere in the team. Some characters might even decide to leave the team, or go against it

* Integrated game world: the player will be able to move around all game zones freely. Events taking place in one zone might affect developments in others

* Integrated game time: like in real life, time is the most important and irreplaceable resource. The passage of time significantly affects the game events. Characters' mood and general state depend on the time of day, and so do combat conditions

* Clothes and papers: characters' clothes not only change their appearance but affect the gameplay: a Soviet commando fighter's suit will attract undue attention while an American uniform will help to go unchallenged in many situations. Proper ID papers might come in very handy in certain situations; these can be bought from a skilful forger

* Reliability rating: "Inadequate Behaviour meter" will count all cases of armed clashes with authorities or violence against civilians; if it reaches a threshold value, the war becomes unavoidable

* Non-linear dialogues: the player's choice of line or even tone of voice might radically change the balance of forces, and affect relations between the groups

* Economic relations: money is one of the key tools of a secret agent: it's weapons, equipment, hired soldiers, information - and even a chance to buy your way out of trouble with criminals or police

* Authentic weapons: you'll have access to about 90 various weapons of the WW2 period and the recent experimental designs, including APS and MAT49



* Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, DirectX 9.0

* 1000 MHz Pentium III / Athlon

* 256 MB RAM

* 32 MB 3D videocard GeForce2 MX/ Radeon 9000

* DirectX-compatible sound adapter

* 3 GB hard disk space


* Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, DirectX 9.0

* 2,2 GHz Pentium 4 / Athlon

* 512 MB RAM

* 128 MB 3D videocard GeForce 3 / Radeon 9700

* Dolby Surround 5.1

* 3 GB hard disk space


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<

1. Burn or mount with Daemon Tools.
2. Install the game.
3. Copy over the cracked files located on CD3 to your install dir\\Run.
4. Play the game.


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