Farm Vet

Release: Farm Vet

- Datum: 28.02.2008
Playing the Part of Farm Vet In Farm Vet, the player character is a young
teenager who has taken a job on a farm run by the local veterinarian. The player
is challenged with building a thriving, healthy farm and treating enough animal
cases to become a full-fledged vet, through the tutelage of the owner and the
player's mentor. Players are free to explore and move around the real-time 3D
farm environment as they heal sick animals, play fun farm-themed mini-games such
as milking, horseback riding and egg collecting, as well as playing with and
providing overall care for the animals. As the player gains confidence and has a
few cases under their belt, the world expands to include more locations and new
mini-games. If each level is completed successfully, the player receives
promotions and eventually assumes full control of the farm.
- Genre: Simulationen
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4. Enjoy!