Close Combat: First to Fight

Release: Close Combat: First to Fight

- Datum: 20.04.2005
It has been said that the only people in the world who truly understand Marines are Marines and the enemy. And now - you.
Close Combat: First to Fight represents modern urban combat with unprecedented authenticity. It is a first-person shooter in which you lead a four-man fire team of United States Marines through the perils of urban combat in the Middle East.
At every step in Close Combat: First to FightÆs development, active-duty Marines, fresh from firefights in the Middle East, were there to tell us exactly how they do it: How they move.How they talk. The tactics they employ. What it sounds like to be in a firefight and much more!
The result is a game so real that Close Combat: First to Fight will be used as a training tool by the Marines themselves. Close Combat: First to Fight is as close as you can get on a computer or Xbox to being a Marine fireteam leader in modern urban combat.
- Genre: Action
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