The Punisher

Release: The Punisher

- Datum: 20.01.2005
Terrorize criminals using their own ruthless methods. Serve as judge, jury and executioner in a world ruled by corruption. Live in the gritty, bullet-driven action ripped from the pages of Marvels darkest stories. Driven by a hatred of crime bordering on insanity, Frank Castle became The Punisher, a lone vigilante whose mission goes far beyond revenge. Taking on the citys high-powered crime lords, he wreaks havoc on the corrupt with methods normally reserved for those on the wrong side of the law.
Punisher War Zone! Act out The Punishers frustrations and relive his greatest battles in some of the most intense action ever to come to video games! Think and act just like the Punisher! For the first time ever, grab criminals and exact vengeance on them in over 100 intimate environmental hot spots triggering custom Punisher moments. Interrogation mode! Use a never-before seen combination of physical force and character interaction to coerce criminals into coughing up valuable information! Punisher Armory! Collect and upgrade an arsenal of realistic weapons Punisher War Journal! Relive special Punisher in-game moments,collect items from Marvels Punisher history, and much more! Original story from critically-acclaimed Punisher writers Garth Ennis and Jimmy Palmiotti featuring all of the Punishers greatest enemies and allies.
- Genre: Action
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