American Chopper

Release: American Chopper

- Datum: 28.12.2004
A racing/bike building game based on the popular Discovery Channel TV series. Create, build and ride your very own American Chopper and be hired into the shop of the hit TV series American Chopper.
Here's your chance to ride the bikes built by the Teutuls and featured on the show. Choose from the P.O.W./MIA Bike, Jet Bike, Black Widow Bike and more. But there's more -- you'll be sent on missions to create your very own, original themed chopper that will rival those built by Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. Experience first-hand all of the hard work, drama and thrill of creating one of the most beautiful bikes on the road today. The racing stages feature realistic handling and physics, as well as tracks that let you experience the dangers of the road: road construction, truckers, traffic and more.
- Genre: Simulationen
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