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Never Mind The BaublesXmas '77 with the Sex Pistols

Release: DOKU.-.Never.Mind.The.BaublesXmas.77.with.the.Sex.Pistols

Never Mind The BaublesXmas '77 with the Sex Pistols

Never Mind The BaublesXmas '77 with the Sex Pistols
BBC Documentary Four HD 26th Dec 2013
Looking back to Christmas 1977 with an irreverent portrait of the times, featuring unseen footage of the Sex Pistols. Never mind the baubles, director Julien Temple presents a unique insight into the tradition and transgression of Christmas. Featuring interviews and 70s archive, framing the Sex Pistols' last UK concert with Sid Vicious, for the children of striking firemen in Huddersfield on Christmas Day 1977.


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