Kampf der Giganten 2 - Modern Warriors (1995)

Release: Kampf.Der.Giganten.2.Modern.Warriors.1995.GERMAN.DL.DVDRIP.X264-WATCHABLE
Welcome to the world of the martial arts. A voyage for the times of the martial arts cinema, from the beginning in China in the 6th Century B.C. by a Buddhist monk, Bodhidharma, until the actual time and the influence in the world, with interviews to actors like Gordon Liu and Jackie Chan and historians like David Weeden, and a review to the most important movies of all times and to the most famous action movies actors. A magnificent jewel of this genre what nobody wouldn't lose.
Laufzeit: 100 min
Genre: Dokumentarfilm, Action
Schauspieler: Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Jet Li, Jean-Claude Van Damme, 梁家仁, Dorian Tan Tao-Liang, Joe Lewis, Jim Kelly,
Regie: Toby Russell,
Drehbuch: George Tan,
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