
Release: Fate
- Datum: 25.02.2005
Psychological Thriller
A HERO will rise and a Patriot will fall
The time is present day. A city plagued by bad weather and crime. A city infected with homicides and lawless murders. A vulnerable city such as this is the ideal habitat for a well-defined sociopath (Lee Majors). This is the story of two detectives hunting a killer who is using his victims as characters in a demented story.
In the midst of all this is Cody Martin (Michael Paré), an ex-fed turned detective with an impressive arrest record, and his partner Detective Ciprian Raines (Philip Michael Thomas), a retired agent whose work is well noted in the Bureau, the A.T.F., U.S. Customs, and the C.I.A.
The two detectives are under pressure from their boss Captain Bullock to solve the murders.
The midday turns sour when the new partners accept a homicide call that takes them into the slum of the city. Within the next two days, a series of kidnappings take place and are eventually linked to the first murder. Back at the original crime scene, the detectives discover their first major clue, a list left by the killer with six names on it! From this clue and other evidence, they unravel the killer's plot. He's using the victims as puppets in a psychotic story that he is trying to tell.
The killer presents his story in 3 Acts. The 1st Act, the setup, pertains to the kidnapping of five people. The 2nd Act, the confrontation, is when he takes the life of the five victims. The 3rd Act, the resolution, is a series of climatic actions revealing the identity of the sixth victim and the reasons why he is telling a story.
The time factor in this story is crucial. The detectives know they must apprehend the killer before he finishes the last Act. FATE is a psychological thriller with heart-stopping deadlines, intense action with first-rate special effects, and suspenseful plot turns that twist around the central story.
- Genre: Thriller
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