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Motorhead - Stage Fright [DVD-R]

Release: Motorhead - Stage Fright [DVD-R]

Motorhead - Stage Fright [DVD-R]

Stage Fright was recorded during a show at the Phillipshalle in Düsseldorf on December 7, 2004.

DVD 1:
Concert "Dusseldorf Philipshalle 2004"
1. Dr. Rock
2. Stay Clean
3. Shoot You In The Back
4. Love Me Like A Reptile
5. Killers
6. Metropolis
7. Over The Top
8. No Class
9. I Got Mine
10. Tragedy
11. Dancing On Your Grave
12. Ramones
13. Sacrifice
14. Power
15. Brazil
16. Killed By Death
17. Iron Fist
18. Whore House Blues
19. Ace Of Spades
20. Overkill
21. Credits

Bonus material
DVD-Check with Motorhead,
Exlusive audio commentary,
Multi-Angle feature,
Song selection

DVD 2:
L.A Special
Making of "Live Show"

We Are The Road Crew
1. Introduction
2. Crew
3. Sound
4. Showtime
5. The Cook
6. Touring

Slide Show
The Backstage Rider

DVD-ROM Part of DiSC 2
"Overkill" - High definition track,
Windows Media HD;
Cellphone Stuff:"Life's A Bitch" Realtone:
Motorhead Wallpaper,
Cellphone & PC;
Slideshow, L.A.Show


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