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Led Zeppelin - Court Of King James (1975)

Release: Led Zeppelin - Court Of King James (1975)

Led Zeppelin - Court Of King James (1975)

This is a monster of a show. The best of the five Earl's Court gigs,
this show has the band reaching a peak for 1975, one that is even
better than Seattle and LA two months earlier. Nicky Horne simply
introduced the band: "Welcome to Earl's Court. For the next three
hours ... your mother wouldn't like it!" No Quarter must be the best
version ever recorded, and Dazed And Confused is an incredible journey.
Dennis Healey was again remembered during the introduction to the Dazed:
"We gotta fly soon. Y'know how it goes with Dennis ... dear Dennis.
Private enterprise ... no artists in the country anymore ... he must
be dazed and confused!" Stairway To Heaven contains probably the best
solo ever by Jimmy on the song while Plant's vocal is not the best.

Starring: Led Zeppelin
Format: NTSC
Language: English
Region: All Regions
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Number of Discs: 2
Studio: -
Release date: November 20, 2009
Genre: Rock
Playing time: 180 minutes

Disc 1 (1h 48min)

01. Introduction By Nicky Horne
02. Rock And Roll
03. Sick Again
04. Over The Hills And Far Away
05. In My Time Of Dying
06. The Song Remains The Same
07. The Rain Song
08. Kashmir
09. No Quarter
10. Tangerine
11. Going To California
12. That's The Way
13. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

Disc 2 (1h 45min)

01. Trampled Underfoot
02. Moby Dick
03. Dazed And Confused
04. Stairway To Heaven
05. Whole Lotta Love / The Crunge
06. Black Dog


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