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Bloc Party - Live at Glastonbury 2005 (MVCD)

Release: Bloc Party - Live at Glastonbury 2005 (MVCD)

Bloc Party - Live at Glastonbury 2005 (MVCD)

A year ago Bloc Party were still writing the songs which would appear on their fantastic debut album, 'Silent Alarm', and were dreaming of playing their favourite festival on Worthy farm. In 2005 praise has been heaped upon the album and the band have deservedly been given an early evening slot on the Other stage. They've got the unenviable task of following the disarray of Pete Doherty and his Babyshambles crew.

The contrast is stark. Bloc Party are a well oiled machine. "Helicopter", "Banquet" and "This Is Modern Life" all sound immense, powerful and uplifting. It feels like the festival is shrugging off the woes of the morning floods and starting to enjoy itself. "This is the most fun I've had all day" claims lead singer Kele. The mud splattered crowd cheer loudly in agreement.

The band finish with the triumphant "Pioneers"; the chorus 'we will not be the last' rings out across the fields. Soon the question of the day will change from "Did your tent get washed away?" to "Did you see Bloc Party?"


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