Pink Floyd - The Australian Pink Floyd Show 2007
Release: Pink Floyd - The Australian Pink Floyd Show 2007

- Datum: 28.05.2015
1. Learning to Fly
2. What Do You Want From Me
3. Time
4. The Great Gig in the Sky
5. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
6. Pigs (Three Different Ones)
7. The Gunner\u2019s Dream
8. Hey You
9. Take It Back
10. On The Turning Away
11. Wish You Were Here
12. One Of These Days
13. The Happiest Days of Our Lives
14. Another Brick in the Wall (Part Two)
15. Which One\u2019s Bruce
16. Comfortably Numb
Bonus Features:
(All Access Pass)
Behind the Scenes (14:46)
Rah Stage Setup Time Lapse (3:13)
(Rock Werchter 2007 \u2013 Belgium)
Shine on You Crazy Diamond (14:24)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part Two) (9:00)
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (7:35)
Darsteller: Pink Floyd
Format: MPEG 2, PAL, 16 : 9, 720 x 576p, Englisch PCM/2
Sprache: Englisch
Bildseitenformat: 16 : 9
Anzahl Datenträger: 1 DVD
Studio: pro shot
Erscheinungstermin: 2007
Produktionsjahr: 2007
Spieldauer: ca. 102 Minuten
Größe: 7,09 GB
- Genre: Rock
- Qualität: 320 kbit/s
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