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The Beatles - Live in Melbourne 1964 (2010)

Release: The Beatles - Live in Melbourne 1964 (2010)

The Beatles - Live in Melbourne 1964 (2010)

The Beatles - Live in Melbourne 1964 (2010).DVD5.NTSC

On Sunday June 14th 1964 the Beatles arrived in Melbourne for a 3 night concert engagement at Festival Hall with 2 shows each night.

About 45,000 people saw the six performances, and the last show was taped for television by Channel 9 and broadcast in Australia on 1st July from 7:30 to 8:30. Brian Epstein had originally agreed to 10 minutes being broadcast, but after he had seen a preview he was so pleased with it he allowed 22 minutes (the rest of the broadcast was made up with Australian music acts).
The performances included, "I Saw Her Standing There", "You Can't Do That", "All My Loving", "She Loves You", "Till There Was You", Roll Over Beethoven", Can't Buy Me Love", Twist And Shout" and "Long Tall Sally".

There were chaotic scenes outside the Southern Cross Hotel (on the corner of Bourke and Exhibition Streets) when the Beatles appeared on the balcony just above street level. Exhibition Street was blocked by an estimated 20,000 screaming fans. John allegedly gave Nazi salutes to the crowd.

Inside the hotel the Beatles were reunited with Ringo who had flown in with Brian Epstein that morning. Jimmy Nicol packed his bag and left the next day.

The Southern Cross then, is the ONLY hotel to play host to FIVE Beatles .... so it plays an interesting part in their history.

Also, an E.M.I. reception was held at the Southern Cross Hotel the following day and John Lennon flew into a rage when he saw the altered Australian cover for the "With The Beatles" album.


01. June 15: Southern Cross Hotel – John Interview with Malcom Searle
02. June 15: Essedon Airport, Melbourne – Jimmy Nicol interview and departure with Brian Epstein
03. June 16: Southern Cross Hotel – 2nd balcony appearnce with Lord Mayor Leo Curtis – News Footage
04. June 16: Southern Cross Hotel – color home movies

FESTIVAL HALL, Melbourne June 17, 1964 8:45PM CONCERT
05. Festival Hall Introduction
06. Johnny Devlin
07. Johnny Chester
08. Sounds Incorporated
09. Sounds Incorporated 2
10. Introduction
11. I Saw Her Standing There
12. You Can’t Do That
13. All My Loving
14. She Loves You
15. Till There Was You
16. Roll Over Beethoven
17. Can’t Buy Me Love
18. This Boy
19. Twist and Shout
20. Long Tall Sally
21. Audience Leaves

Video: MPEG-2, NTSC, 8340kbps, 720x480, 4:3, 29,970 fps
Audio: English, AC-3, 6ch, 1536kbps, 48 kHz
Subtitle: -
Playtime: 1:32:00s


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