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Black Box - Wax Trax! Records The First 13 Years (1994)

Release: Black Box - Wax Trax! Records The First 13 Years (1994)

Black Box - Wax Trax! Records The First 13 Years (1994)


01. KMFDM - Money
02. KMFDM - Vogue
03. Sister Machine Gun - Not My God
04. Lead Into Gold - Faster Than Light
05. Laibach - Geburt Einer Nation
06. Meat Beat Manifesto - I Got The Fear
07. Clock DVA - The Hacker
08. Front Line Assembly - Virus
09. Revolting Cocks - Attack Ships On Fire (Live)
10. Foetus - Butterfly Potion
11. Coil - Windowpane
12. Psychic TV - I.C. Water
13. Braindead Sound Machine - Walkin' After Midnight
14. My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Sex On Wheelz
15. Greater Than One - I Don't Need God
16. Ajax - Mind The Gap
17. Suicide - Dominic Christ


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