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Wang-ui namja (The King and the Clown)

Release: Wang-ui namja (The King and the Clown)

Wang-ui namja (The King and the Clown)

01. "Veiled," Vocals by Jang Jae-Hyeong (Theme of Jang-Seng)
02. "Prologue - Long Roads"
03. "Gak-shi Tal (Mask of a Woman)"
04. "Cannot Return"
05. "Are you over there? I am over here."
06. "Into the World"
07. "Dangerous Suggestion Number One"
08. "The Happy Clowns"
09. "Am I the King or not"
10. "Dangerous Suggestion Number Two"
11. "The Dreaming Clowns"
12. "Serve Maiden"
13. "Playing with Dolls"
14. "Romantic Emotions"
15. "Playing with Shadows"
16. "The Cry of Rags"
17. "Clown Hunt"
18. "Death of a Clown"
19. "Shoot Now"
20. "Envy"
21. "The Fury of Jang-Seng"
22. "I wrote it."
23. "Plea"
24. "The Yell of Jang-Seng"
25. "Jang-Seng the Blind"
26. "Into the Womb"
27. "Ban-Jeong's Sounds of Drumming"
28. "Mid-air"
29. "Epilogue - The Homeward Road"
30. "Mid-air" (Guitar Version)


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Genre: Istrumental
Year: 2005
Quality: MP3 192kbps JointStereo


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