Mikolai Stroinski - Nobody Wants To Die (Original Game Soundtrack)
Release: Mikolai_Stroinski-Nobody_Wants_To_Die_.Original_Game_Soundtrack.-OST-WEB-2024-ENRiCH
01. Nobody Wants to Die 01:56
02. Neon Wants a Drink 01:00
03. The Package 01:42
04. The Hanging Man 02:00
05. After the Phone 00:35
06. The Flight Prelude 00:38
07. The Board Game 01:47
08. Back Home 01:08
09. The Flight over Liberty Island 02:13
10. Hello this is the Killer Speaking 01:40
11. Hanging Above the Skyscrapers 02:16
12. Letting Go 04:09
13. Back at the Greens Place 01:42
14. Hidden Atrocities 01:51
15. Revisiting the Subconcious 01:15
16. Deep Echos 01:50
17. Deeper into the Subconcious 01:15
18. Rumbling Towards Ikarus 00:34
19. The Ikarus Murder 02:41
20. When the Time Goes Backwards 01:44
21. One More Clue Before the Explosion 01:34
22. Sarahs New Body 03:14
23. When The Past Arrives by Train 01:38
24. Investigating Stage Two 01:34
25. Clues Coming Together 01:20
26. Deadly Grip 01:39
27. When the Body Collapses 00:37
28. Old Lady in the Basement 01:37
29. Central Park Riots 01:41
30. Too Much Time Has Passed 00:49
31. Explanations 02:18
32. When a Game Gets Lost 00:39
33. The Last Droplet of Blood 00:53
34. Final Credits Where am I 03:19
35. Rachel 00:43
- Genre: Soundtrack
- Qualität: CBR 320kbps 44.1kHz Stere
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