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Ja Wam Pokaze

Release: Ja Wam Pokaze

Ja Wam Pokaze

01.Temat Milosny (Instrumental) [01:00]
02.Maryla Rodowicz - Wszyscy Chca Kochac [02:58]
03.Brodka - On [03:17]
04.Pozegnanie (Instrumental) [02:38]
05.Dorota Miskiewicz - Poza Czasem [03:02]
06.Kayah - Na Jezykach [04:48]
07.Andrzej Piaseczny - Mocniej [03:34]
08.Slawek Uniatowski - Kocham Cie [03:08]
09.Temat Eksia (Instrumental) [01:45]
10.Piotr Rubik - Please Don't Go [04:36]
11.Makowiecki Band - Miasto Kobiet [04:37]
12.Poczatek (Instrumental) [02:10]
13.Patrycja Gola - I Love The Nightlife [03:04]
14.Kayah - Supermenka [03:35]


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Ja wam pokaze! is a second part of great movie called "Nigdy w Zyciu". Soundtrack to this movie was sold in many copies so it reached gold status. This soundtrack probably will be gold too and all thanks to the great artists like : Maryla Rodowicz, Dorota Miskiewicz, Kayah, Brodka and Makowiecki Band. Enjoy.


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