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Last Action Hero

Release: Last Action Hero

Last Action Hero

1. Big Gun - AC/DC
2. What The Hell Have I - Alice In Chains
3. Angry Again - Megadeth
4. Real World - Queensryche
5. Two Steps Behind - Def Leppard
6. Poison My Eyes - Anthrax
7. Dream On - Aerosmith
8. A Little Bitter - Alice In Chains
9. Cock The Hammer - Cypress Hill
10. Swim - Fishbone
11. Last Action Hero - Tesla
12. Jack The Ripper - Michael Kamen And The Los Angeles Rock And Roll Ensemble Featuring Buckethead


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Although 'Last Action Hero' was a box-office tanker (I didn't think it was half-bad myself, but that's neither here nor there), it did have a soundtrack that contained some of the most rockin' tunes this side of 'Private Parts'. Sadly, due to the film's box-office misfortune, the soundtrack usually gets the short shrift as well. An unfortunate thing, because there's more than a few tracks on this CD by some notable names in alternative and metal that rival some of their own better-known licks. 'Angry Again' managed to replace 'Symphony of Destruction' as my fave Megadeth cut. AC/DC's 'Big Gun' sounds a lot like many of their other tunes, but is also memorable. Also good are Alice In Chains's 'What The Hell Have I', and Cypress Hill's 'Cock The Hammer' (it's one of the few Cypress Hill raps I've listened to where they don't mention the use of marijuana!). Tracks by Anthrax and Def Leppard are there to enjoy as well. So take a chance... you just might be very surprised by how good a soundtrack from a 'bad' movie can be!


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