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Star Wars Episode 3 - Die Rache Der Sith (Retail)

Release: Star Wars Episode 3 - Die Rache Der Sith (Retail)

Star Wars Episode 3 - Die Rache Der Sith (Retail)

01. Star Wars & The Revenge Of The Sith
02. Anakin's Dream
03. Battle Of The Heroes
04. Anakin's Betrayal
05. General Grievous
06. Palpatine's Teachings
07. Grievous & The Droids
08. Padme's Ruminations
09. Anakin Vs Obi-Wan
10. Anakin's Dark Deeds
11. Enter Lord Vader
12. The Immolation Scene
13. Grievous Speaks To Lord Sidious
14. The Birth Of The Twins & Padme's Destiny
15. A New Hope & End Credits


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Release Date: 03.05.'05
Genre: Soundtrack
Quality: VBR AVG 200 kbps JS
Release Notes:

>>> ... first read this ... finally real retail,
>>> Previous release(s) was nuked due to an anomaly,notably one known as being re-encoded.
>>> One can also see the vast increase in size, and a difference in bitrate.
>>> Equip your light sabres, a là "The Star Wars Kid."
>>> The Force Be With You

Composer: John Williams . Personnel: London Symphony Orchestra.

John Williams' lovely and moving score for the sixth Star Wars film brings thirty years of collaborating on George Lucas’ beyond-popular intergalactic franchise to a close.
(Is this really the end of Star Wars? Can’t Lucas and Williams work together on a prequel
to these prequels? Let us hope so, and that Jar Jar Binks is nowhere near it.)
As this music accompanies the most exciting Star Wars film in many a moon, the soundtrack
itself is more fun, more evil, more nasty and bumpy. Many of the heroic, anthemic themes
woven throughout Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith will necessarily be familiar to any
fan of the series, from the "Imperial March" to the main theme. It’s remarkable how
stirring the latter can be, no matter how many times you’ve heard it, and even for those
who do not have all their money invested in S.W. memorabilia. There is a lot of new music
here, and the lush, extensive range of both Williams and the London Symphony Orchestra is
on display, most notably in the menacing, percolating "General Grievous" and the rousing
"New Hope" end theme.

More on amazon, or google....


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