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Jackie Brown

Release: Jackie Brown

Jackie Brown

1. Across 110th Street - Bobby Womack
2. Beaumont's Lament - Robert DeNiro
3. Strawberry Letter 23 - The Brothers Johnson
4. Melanie, Simone and Sheronda - Robert DeNiro
5. Who Is He (And What Is He to You)? - Bill Withers
6. Tennessee Stud - Johnny Cash
7. Natural High - Bloodstone
8. Long Time Woman - Pam Grier
9. Detroit 9000 - Council Cargle
10. (Holy Matrimony) Letter from the Firm - Foxy Brown
11. Street Life - Randy Crawford
12. Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time) - The Delfonics
13. Midnight Confessions - The Grass Roots
14. Inside My Love - Minnie Riperton
15. Just Ask Melanie - Robert DeNiro
16. Lions and the Cucumber - Vampire's Sound Incorporation
17. Monte Carlo Nights - Elliot Easton's Tiki Gods


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