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GTA Vice City OST Vol.1 V-Rock

Release: GTA Vice City OST Vol.1 V-Rock

GTA Vice City OST Vol.1 V-Rock

1.DJ Lazlow Intro
2.You've Got Another Thing Comin' - Judas Priest
3.Too Young to Fall in Love - Mötley Crüe
4.Peace Sells - Megadeth
5.Dangerous Bastard - Rockstar¹s Love Fist
6.Turn Up The Radio - Autograph
7.DJ Lazlow Halftime
8.I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister
9.Bark At The Moon - Ozzy Osbourne
10.Madhouse - Anthrax
11.2 Minutes To Midnight - Iron Maiden
12.Raining Blood - Slayer
13.Cumin' Atcha Live - Tesla
14.Yankee Rose - David Lee Roth
15.Cum On Feel The Noise - Quiet Riot
16.Working For The Weekend - Loverboy
17.DJ Lazlow Outro
20.DJ Lazlow Rant


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