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Parov Stelar - Primavera

Release: Parov Stelar - Primavera

Parov Stelar - Primavera

1. All Night Long [6:27]
2. Mi Hou [5:56]
3. Primavera [5:55]
4. Ice [6:32]


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aRTiST: Parov Stelar
tiTLE: Primavera
lABEL: Auris Recordings
cAT-nR: aur004-6
sOURCE: Vinyl
tRACKS: 04
siZE: 39,3 MB
rEL-dATE: Jul-22-2004
sTR-dATE: 2004
qUALiTY: VBRK/44,1K/Joint-Stereo
eNCODER: Lame 3.90.3 (VBR)
gENRE: Deep House
sUB-gENRE: dub/relaxing

More solid floor filling business from the mysterious Parov Stelar of the very respect Etage Noir label. Guaranteed to get girls jumping and the boys bumping with plentiful bass lines and boogie. A four tracker that will stay in the box for a long time to come.


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