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Nickelback - Photograph (Promo)

Release: Nickelback - Photograph (Promo)

Nickelback - Photograph (Promo)

01. Photograph (edit) 03:55
02. Photograph (Pop radio edit) 03:55
03. Photograph (Album version) 04:18


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Release Date: 2005
Quality: VBR ~200 JointStereo

Nickelback is a hard rock band founded in western Canada in 1995. The name derived from the nickel in change Mike Kroeger frequently had to give customers back in his job at a Starbucks coffee shop.

The core of the band hails from Hanna, Alberta. They are now based in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Nickelback's climb to mainstream was helped by the Canadian law that requires a certain percentage of music played on Canadian radio to be from Canadian bands. Their second album, The State, propelled them to mainstream status even before Silver Side Up.

Nickelback has achieved major success on rock radio, scoring 10 Top 10 hits since 1999. They have also crossed over to mainstream radio, scoring multi-format smashes on their last two albums. In 2004, their song "How You Remind Me" was the most played song in the U.S.


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