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Obscene Extreme

Release: Obscene Extreme

Obscene Extreme

° 1. Brutal Truth - Dead Smart 3:05 °
° 2. Yacoepsae - Tanz, Grosny, Tanz... 0:49 °
° 3. Yacoepsae - Antagonismus 0:48 °
° 4. Eardelete - Weaknesses 3:14 °
° 5. Rotten Sound - GDP 3:03 °
° 6. Inhumate - Art, Sex, Intelligence 2:12 °
° 7. General Surgery - Ambulance Chaser 3:04 °
° 8. Waco Jesus - Respect the Fist... Bitch 2:58 °
° 9. Birdflesh - Then You Know 1:57 °
° 10. Extinction of Mankind - Axe to Grind 2:09 °
° 11. Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - 2:10 °
° Industrial Pragmatism °
° 12. Mucopus - Super No Vacancy 2:42 °
° 13. Cliteater - Incarcerated 1:42 °
° 14. Pigsty - Hyperspeed 2:01 °
° 15. Rompeprop - Dislocated Purple Stoma 1:39 °
° 16. Digested Flesh - Bucket of Afterbirth 2:59 °
° 17. Human Error - Endgame of a Fatal Blame 1:18 °
° 18. Satans Revenge on Mankind - We Come to 1:36 °
° Eat You °
° 19. Neuropathia - On Your Knees 0:41 °
° 20. Firing Squad - 731 Squadron 0:51 °
° 21. 2 Minuta Dreka - Retarded Rebel 0:50 °
° 22. Distorted Impalement - Nailing Wet Cunts 4:08 °
° 23. Cuttered Flesh - Experience from the 3:32 °
° World of Pain °
° 24. Afgrund - Ar Efter Ar 1:54 °
° 25. The Arson Project - Blown to Bits 1:06 °
° 26. Carnal Decay - Lust for Gore 3:16 °
° 27. D.E.O.A.G. - Consumation of Menstruation 1:07 °
° 28. Critical Madness - Masakus 1:34 °
° 29. Psychotic Despair - Blind Hate 2:37 °
° 30. G.O.R.E. - Black Bell is White Heart 2:41 °
° Thrashing °
° 31. G.O.R.E. - Look at Toilet Bowl - Remains 2:21 °
° Me of Your Face My Baby °
° 66:04 °


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° ÛÛ ÛÛ Artist: VA ÛÛ ÛÛ
² Û°° þÛ Album: Obscene Extreme Ûþ °°Û
þ Û²ß Û Year: 2007 Û ß²Û °
Û ² Rel. Date: 2007-07-09 ² Û
± ± Genre: Death Metal ± ±
ÛÜ ° Label: Obscene Productions ° ÜÛ
° ÛÜ ° Source: CD ° ÜÛ
ß° ° Type: Compilation ° °ß
° Û² Encoder: LAME 3.97 ²Û °
² Û Quality: VBR, 44.1kHz, Joint Stereo Û ° ²


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