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Songs From Instant Star 3

Release: Songs From Instant Star 3

Songs From Instant Star 3

01. Alexz Johnson - Where Does It Hurt 04:22
02. Cory Lee - Waste My Time 02:57
03. Tyler Kyte - What You Need 03:49
04. Alexz Johnson - I Don't Know If I 03:34
Should Stay
05. Damhnait Doyle - Just The Beginning 03:56
06. Cory Lee - Love To Burn 04:08
07. Tyler Kyte - Unraveling 03:43
08. Alexz Johnson - Don't You Dare 03:58
09. Cory Lee - I Will Be The Flame 03:17
10. Tyler Kyte - Worth Waiting For 03:33
11. Damhnait Doyle - Darkness Round The 03:21
12. Lindsay Robins - Shooting Star 03:05
13. Alexz Johnson - The Breakdown 03:15
14. Cory Lee - No Shoes No Shirt 03:30


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ARTiST.....: Various Artists
ALBUM......: Songs From Instant Star 3
LABEL......: The Orange Record Label
GENRE......: Pop
TRACKS.....: 14
PLAYTiME...: 50:28
SiZE.......: 74,0 MB
ENCODER....: Lame 3.97 V2
BiTRATE....: VBRkbps
SCENE DATE.: 07/03/2007
STORE DATE.: 07/03/2007


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