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Looney Tunes (Promo)

Release: Looney Tunes (Promo)

Looney Tunes (Promo)

01. Savage Scream - Voice Inside (Remix) 07:42
02. Dejan - All Looney in the Dark 08:09
03. Alien Mental - Pot Politics (Remix) 07:03
04. Penta - Perfect Sunday 08:29
05. Ghreg on Earth - The Elder Sign 09:15
06. Noise Gust - Freak Out Syndrome 07:21
07. Ocelot - 4BB 06:46
08. Galaxy Madness - Claymore 08:10
09. Horror Place - BrainBorat 06:55

Total Time: 70:50


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Artist.....: VA
Album......: Looney Tunes (Compiled by Dana and Spliff Nik)
Type.......: Promo
Genre......: Psychedelic
Style......: Dark Psytrance
Label......: BrainBusters Records
CatalogNr..: BBCD001 15.01.2007 00.01.2007
Source.....: CDDA
Grabber....: EAC 0.95 beta 3
Encoder....: Lame 3.97 -V 2 --vbr-new
Quality....: VBRkbps / 44.1kHz / Joint-Stereo
Tracks.....: 9
Size.......: 103.31 MB
Length.....: 70:50


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