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NME Presents - Festival

Release: NME Presents - Festival

NME Presents - Festival

Û° 01.Kasier Chiefs°-°Na Na Na Na Naa (Live) [03:11] Û°
Û° 02.The Automatic°-°On The Campaign Trail [03:02] Û°
Û° 03.The Ordinary Boys°-°(Little) Bubble [04:05] Û°
Û° 04.Boy Kill Boy°-°Killer (Demo) [03:13] Û°
Û° 05.747s°-°Missed That Sun [03:40] Û°
Û° 06.Panic At The Disco°-°The Only Difference Between [02:56] Û°
Û° Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage Û°
Û° 07.Razorlight°-°Eave Me Alone (Live) [06:34] Û°
Û° 08.Fall Out Boy°-°Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name [03:11] Û°
Û° Of This Song So We Wouldnt Get Sued Û°
Û° 09.Franz Ferdinand°-°Outsiders (Live) [05:48] Û°
Û° 10.The Cooper Temple Clause°-°Damage [03:45] Û°
Û° 11.Howling Bells°-°Low Happening [03:05] Û°
Û° 12.Archie Broson Outfit°-°Got To Get (Your Eyes) [03:16] Û°
Û° 13.Clap Your Hands Say Yeah°-°Upon This Tidal Wave Of [04:35] Û°
Û° Young Blood Û°
Û° 14.Plan B°-°Kidz (Acoustic) [04:08] Û°
Û° 15.Klaxons°-°Gravitys Rainbow (Remix) [05:26] Û°
Û° ------- Û°
Û° Û°


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aRTi$TÄÄ: NME Presents
aLBuMÄÄÄ: Festival
LaBeL: Ignite IPC Media
GeNRe: Rock
TRaXÄ: 15
MoDEÄ: Joint-Stereo
BiTRaTE: VBR kbps.
eNc0dER: Lame V3.90.3
GRaBbER: EAC V0.95
$ceNE-: Jul-23-2006


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