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Punk Goes 90s

Release: Punk Goes 90s

Punk Goes 90s

01. Mae - March of the Pigs (Nine 2:44
Inch Nails)
02. Plain White T's - Song #2 2:07
03. Gym Class Heroes - Under the 3:24
Bridge (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
04. Copeland - Black Hole Sun 4:31
05. Hit the Lights - Hey Jealousy 2:58
(Gin Blossoms)
06. Emery - All I Want (Toad the 3:49
Wet Sprocket)
07. Scary Kids Scaring Kids - 3:57
Losing My Religion (REM)
08. Cartel - Wonderwall (Oasis) 4:53
09. The Killing Moon - You Outta 3:41
Know (Alanis Morissette)
10. Bleeding Through - Stars (HUM) 5:20
11. Anberlin - Enjoy the Silence 3:32
(Depeche Mode)
12. Eighteen Visions - Beautiful 3:35
People (Marilyn Manson)
13. The Starting Line - Big Time 3:11
Sensuality (Bjork)
14. So They Say - In Bloom 3:48
15. Bedlight For Blue Eyes - 4:04
Jumper (Third Eye Blind)


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TITLE: Punk Goes 90s
LABEL: Fearless
BITRATE: 223kbps avg
PLAYTIME: 0h 55min total
RELEASE DATE: 2006-05-09
RIP DATE: 2006-04-28


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