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Putumayo presents The Caribbean

Release: Putumayo presents The Caribbean

Putumayo presents The Caribbean

01. Kali - Aline Vole 03:35
02. Stanley Beckford - Sam Fi Man 03:25
03. Claudius Phillips & O.R.E.O. - Overtime 02:40
(Nami Chens Pa Mi Biba)
04. Ska Cubano - Chango 02:46
05. Mika - Bel Fanm 04:34
06. Coalishun - Thundah 03:35
07. Waldo Mendoza - Pasa un Tiempo Viejo 03:43
08. Marcé & Toumpak - Bon Tche 04:07
09. Skatalites - Freedom Sounds 04:17
10. Jab Jab - Rev It Up 04:30
11. Jandy Feliz - Los Amores 04:12
12. Militant - Hot & Groovy 04:43

Runtime 46:07 min


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From reggaeton and dancehall to soca and salsa, its
influence is everywhere. Caribbean music is steeped
in African traditions, incorporates European and
Latin American sounds, and satisfies virtually any
listening palate. With the pop charts currently
reflecting love for these genres' growing appeal,
Putumayo World Music's new collection - The
Caribbean - delves into the roots of the music, its
present and its future.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this
album will be donated to Wyclef Jean's Yele Haiti
charity in support of their development efforts in


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