80s Classics
Release: 80s Classics

- Datum: 13.12.2005
Û²Û 01 05:43 gloria gaynor°-°i am what i am
Û²Û 02 05:57 kool and the gang°-°cherish
Û²Û 03 05:20 gibson brothers°-°que sera mi via
Û²Û 04 02:55 bad manners°-°lip up fatty
Û²Û 05 05:02 five star°-°got a lot of love
Û²Û 06 05:38 heaven 17°-°fascist groove thang
Û²Û 07 04:13 living in a box°-°scales of justice
Û²Û 08 04:18 hazel o'connor°-°d-days
Û²Û 09 03:53 odyssey°-°going back to my roots
Û²Û 10 04:13 imagination°-°in and out of love
Û²Û 11 03:55 limahl°-°ooh to be ah
Û²Û 12 03:40 all about eve°-°in the clouds
Û²Û 13 02:49 selecter°-°the whisper
Û²Û 14 02:39 tom jones and dionne warwick°-°endless love
Û²Û 15 02:49 imagination°-°flashback
Û²Û 16 03:36 nina simone°-°my baby just cares for me
- Genre: 80s
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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